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All Set for the Temple of Truth

A Journey of Truth - Part Two
Arrival into Crete 
on 11.5.2012=30/3

We see again the 11 showing us that we are being guided by Spirit and the 30/3 represents the Holy Spirit. The 3 vibration is also that of my Soul and I have noticed that on these days I tend to do something extra special. Extra special today was entering into Crete; the very land beneath the Temple of Truth. My path is in service to you so I remind you here that what I share with you is for your healing as well as mine. Together we are one and what I do you do too and the healing I have myself achieved I know is also shared by you as you read this and that is my intention to share the Light codes that have come to me in order to share them with you. I am always very aware of the presence travelling alongside me of those who follow my work, but this journey more so than others I was ever aware of their presence. This gave me more incentive and more determination to make the most of every moment so I did not waste “your” time.

So, on the 11th May, on arrival into Crete I received a welcome on my Facebook page from a lady who lives in Crete. It simply read, "Welcome to Crete ChristinA!” I had never met Carmel previously and wondered who she was. I obviously had accepted her as a friend on Facebook, but I accept lots of people I don't know hoping to share some LUXOR Light healing energy by doing so. What a lovely gesture and it did not stop there. Carmel invited me to meet with her at her restaurant built on the old Venetian wall of the port of Chania and right below lies the ancient ruins of Minoan Kydonia! Carmel had suggested it was a perfect location for a get-together. I was still buzzing with having just arrived and thought it would be a good idea. She also suggested visiting the World's oldest Olive tree which was only 20 minute drive from where I was staying. I wasn't sure how I would get there but left it open. 

12.5.2012=31/4 (13/4)
This was a day of rest for me and a day to set the foundations (31/4). It’s about being practical and setting to work. I spent the morning writing the first blog to set the foundations and to begin building the path ahead. The 13/4 is about magic, about transformation and alchemy and sometimes about initiation. 
I busied myself writing the first blog about the trip and then I started to weary. I decided to take a walk on the beach and then had a late lunch on a taverna on the beach. On returning to my hotel I was tired, still thinking of going in to Chania to have a look at the Venetian Harbour and meet Carmel. I decided to have a nap and didn't wake until 5:30 the next morning. I sent an apology to Carmel for missing the opportunity to meet her. It was Mother’s Day and Carmel had sent me another message on Facebook inviting me to spend Mother’s Day with her and her family visiting the World's Oldest Olive Tree which was just across from her Mother-in-laws house in a small village 20 minutes from me. What a wonderfully generous person and yes, of course I would love to!  So, getting to the World's Oldest Olive tree was sorted!

World's Oldest Olive Tree

This was to be a magic day. The 32/5 frequency is the exact frequency that takes us into the Fifth Dimension. 

The whole day felt like I was in and out of other dimensions especially when visiting the World’s Oldest Olive Tree that Carmel has a very close connection to. The Tree is reportedly some 3000 or so years old and most certainly holds a beautiful feminine energy of Love. Carmel felt it is connected also to Thoth and I have no doubt her feeling is quite true.  It gave me a feeling of being in the centre of creation as I sat within the centre of the tree with its roots curled around the base of the tree.  It is as if it is grounding a powerful portal of love and peace anchoring rainbow rays of light that are present in the photos that Carmel takes more so than anyone else. I believe it is her connection to this tree that calls forth the devas and Light Beings that are over-joyed to show their presence through such a love filled earth angel as Carmel. The Sacred Codes and messages of Thoth poured forth through me as I sat immersed in the portal of Thoth inside this most magic of Trees. 

Carmel and I chatted constantly like old friends that have never been away from each other. Interestingly Carmel has lived in Crete for 22 years and of course with the sacred mathematical equation of the LUXOR Light symbol and the 22 LUXOR Light initiations and all the other LUXOR Light 22 connections too many to mention here, I saw the immediate piece to the puzzle that always tells me to watch listen and learn. There is something magical going on!

Me and Carmel inside the World's Oldest Olive Tree
A magical day it was with Carmel and her family. Carmel drove me to the airport to collect Linda who was coming to travel with me and then showed us the Venetian Port of Chania before driving us home to our hotel. Carmel asked me where we would be traveling and pulled out a map so I could show her. I had forgotten the actual name of the second Temple of Asclepius but I knew it started with L and knew the general location on the map. She circled a place and said she thought it was probably here that I was talking about but didn’t think there was much there and circled another place that she thought might hold interest to us that was relatively close by. She offered us the map to take with us and so I accepted.

And another Day of Truth

14.5.2012= 33 (555)
Linda meditating in the Temple of Asclepius, Lissos
The second 555 day this month; the first we worked in Bali setting the wheels in motion to embrace the changes. Today was to be extra special because today was not only a 555 day but it was also 33 day which lends itself to Christ Consciousness, to awakening to Soul Purpose and Divine Mission! Linda and I set off by taxi early morning through the mountains to a small village 2 hours away where we would spend the night and make our way to the Ancient City of Lissos, one of the locations I felt was connected to the Etheric Temple of Truth. We took a small boat to arrive at a little cove where the location the Healing Temple of Asclepius was somewhere in ruins of this ancient city. Again I am sure the day was perfectly orchestrated so that we would not find the actual temple until the last minute of the day. We wandered all day discovering all sorts of wonderful sites. We came across some very old churches that are obviously still being used by someone.  We walked two labyrinths, drank from the ancient healing springs, meditated inside a stone circle overlooking the bay and under another beautiful old Olive Tree and in many high energy spots. We swam in the crystal clear bay of Lissos and finally we found the Ancient Temple of Asclepius (the Greek God of Healing). At each spot I focused on the healing requests of our list of 184 people and initiated the powerful process of the 555 frequencies from the centre of the Healing Temple of Asclepius. And then, we climbed! We climbed the mountain so we could enter the gorge and find our way back to the little village of Sougia. We took our time, soaking up the beauty of it and stopping to meditate at the top in the wind acknowledging the presence of all four elements and including the fifth element of sound and the Akasha that is being awakened through the Fifth Ray qualities. The intention was to send it out to all of you. We had walked for some 7 hours that day, so with sore feet we showered and then enjoyed a delightful meal on the beach in a typical Cretan restaurant and fell into a deep sleep ready for an early start on the bus back to Chania and then all day on buses to arrive into the little village of Matala.

We fell in love with Matala and its sunset and from the minute we arrived. Our first sunset meditation on the beach and a rise early morning to meet the sunrise for more meditation to initiate our day of seeking to find the second Temple of Asclepius that I thought was the main physical site of the Temple of Truth. I had tried to find the actual physical site on the internet but there was no such hint. I felt drawn to both the Healing Temples of Asclepius but in particular thought this was the more important location. 

After breakfast we waited for our taxi after considering hiring a car and then thinking better of it! The taxi arrived and we told him where we wanted to go and he said he had no idea where that was so I showed him on the map. He looked puzzled and asked me where I got the map from because this location was not on the recent maps and insisted the map was 40 years old. It didn’t look 40 years old but obviously it was out of date. We decided out of date was our luck and now we knew why the beautiful Carmel had been put on our path. If we didn’t have this map we would not be able to reach this location where I believed was the very physical location directly under the Etheric Temple of Truth. He said “I’ve lived here all my life and I don’t know of that place but I will take you to this point and drop you off and then you can walk east until you find it. Ring me when you finish and I will send another taxi to collect you”. So, he dropped us off at a cliff face near a tiny village and told us to walk in the general direction that was shown on the map. We asked at a little café if they knew this place and showed them on the map. The son asked his elderly father, the father said it was about 2 kilometres from where we were. We walked a couple of kilometres and noticed some tombs in the hillside. I thought that this must be close and we continued to walk scanning the land when all of a sudden I noticed a fenced off area with some remains of an archaeological site. It had to be it; there was nothing else even close. It was right on the cliff facing both Egypt and Libya and looking on the map it would have to be about the border between the two countries. This seemed perfect for us to send the frequencies of Truth to these two countries. 

Encoding at the Temple of Temple of Truth
We walked around the entire boundary (which wasn’t very big) and then sat facing the ocean to meditate and send out the healing once again to the group of individuals that were registered on our list for healing and to Egypt, Libya and the rest of the world. While walking to the location I noticed a deep pink-red coloured stone in the hill/mountain side and wondered what it was. I was drawn to it as there were pieces around this archaeological site that I assumed was the Temple of Asclepius, so I collected 3 pieces, placed encoded pure Egyptian frankincense on them and encoded them for healing. I left one piece inside the site, one piece to travel to Israel and one piece to come home to Australia so that we have a triangle of healing and so each person registered for the Sacred Healing Journey of Divine Truth would always be connected to the Temple of Truth and receive the focused healing required. I also chose a stone specifically for those who had arranged private distant healing with me in Crete and placed this stone inside the site also so their process of awakening to their Divine Truth could unfold. After this we took some photos and walked back the way we came and rang the taxi to come and pick us up.

With some negotiating the taxi agreed to take us to another site simply because we had time and it was on my list as “interesting”. This site was Phaistos. I had two sites close by that were of interest; Festos and Gortys. I couldn’t remember the significance of but knew one of them had Temples related to the Egyptian gods. The closest one was the one we agreed because we didn’t have time to make it to Gortys. As we arrived at Festos I noticed a road sign mentioning a place called Levina. “Oh no! That was the place beginning with “L” I am sure that is where we were supposed to go. Not the place circled on the map”. I asked the Taxi driver how long it would take to get there. He said it would cost us too much, go tomorrow. We couldn’t go tomorrow we were leaving tomorrow. We went and bought tickets to the Festos site and I asked which had the Egyptian Temples, Festos or Gortys. He pointed across the road but insisted we go inside first because they were closing at 3pm. No we need to go only to the Egyptian site. He looked at me as if I was stupid and tried to convince me to go into Festos. I asked him what is at Levina and he replied “Temple of Asclepius”! And, what is at this place and I pointed on the map to Lasea. He shrugged his shoulders and said archaeological site. “No dah” I was on a mission again, I knew we had to go to Levina and I had to talk the taxi driver in to taking us. We walked across the road to the Egyptian site. We didn’t need a ticket for here no wonder the guy in the ticket office thought I was stupid. There was nothing but some foundations at this site. That doesn’t matter to us however, we come for other reasons. We quickly connected with the energies of Isis and Anubis and reason for being there and the healing we were sending to Egypt and then went back and renegotiated with the taxi driver to take us to Levina.

Levina and The Temple of Asclepius

Onward we drive to Levina to the second Healing Temple of Asclepius – God of Healing. I fell asleep and dreamt about why had we gone to the wrong place in the morning? Why had we been given that map and why did we feel such strong energies if it were the wrong place? I was sure there was something there, I was absolutely sure we were not given a map that no longer exists according to the taxi driver with a location that is no longer recognised as of any importance if we were not meant to be there. Carmel had come onto our paths for a reason and I was sure it was to do with the map.

We arrived and again another temple overlooking the ocean toward Egypt. We meditated again sent healing to everyone and then someone came and closed the site. We only just made it, so obviously we were meant to make it there also but the energy was not as

powerful as the location we went to in the morning. Somehow there was a triangle formed between the two Temples of Asclepius and this other location but I did not know what. I had the gentle dread that I may find out that the other location was one of a fort or something and then I would wonder how I had come to misread my intuition so badly. We returned to Matala and I immediately went to the internet and googled Lasea, Crete. Lo and behold, this was the “only” location that St Paul visited in Crete. He was on route to Rome supposedly as

a prisoner when they were shipwrecked. He had foreseen the event and warned the centurions. They had ignored his message and sure enough they were shipwrecked. However, he had seen that there would be no lives lost and this came true. He had warned them to stay in “Fair Haven” but was not listened to and they entered into a 14 day tempest. Here we have the 14/5 again. Paul did not panic as he had be told by an angel of God that his destiny would be fulfilled in Rome, so he stayed calm while all else around him were in chaos and panic. Apparently he spent something like 3 months here.

It all made sense to me now. Of course this was the very location for the Temple of Truth in the etheric. Paul had stayed true to his faith, true to the message given to him but all others ignored. He followed his guidance and shared the truth and he did not waver. 

Amazing and I couldn’t wait to share with Linda this Truth. We did find it and we were meant to find it and Carmel had given us the very map that showed the location and without this particular map we would never have found it. Who knows why she was drawn to circling this particular place but she did and I blindly followed without question. The moral to this story I believe is that when you are ready you will be granted entrance into the Temple of Truth and it is not easily found or easily entered and this was proven because the actual location has not been recorded anywhere, only the mention that it is in the etheric over Crete. We found it of that I have no doubt and the feeling inside my heart was and still is of absolute humbleness, gratitude and love to have been able to have this incredible experience. The song that was in my mind from the time we began our journey in Ancient Lissos was “Don’t you know it’s magic” and this is exactly how the whole trip unfolded.

Now Carmel, she had become our third person to complete our triangle because Linda and myself would travel on into Israel and she would anchor the connection to us here in Crete for the forever connection to the amazing Truth unfolding. 

The pink copper stones
I had listened to my guidance and stayed true to my calling to Crete during the month of May 2012. Linda had listened to her guidance and at the last minute came on board with a “knowing” that she was to take part in this journey without really know why. Carmel had listened to her guidance and followed it, met with me and Linda and the process was able to unfold perfectly. Those who chose to have distant Soul Energy Report healing, stayed true to their intuitive guidance to receive healing here and all those who were listed on the group to complete at the Wailing Wall for healing were are also connected to the stone that I later found out contains copper. Copper is a wonderful physical conductor of electricity and heat and considered the conductor of the spiritualist's belief system. According to myths, copper has the ability to conduct spiritual energy back and forth between individuals, crystals, auras, the mind and the spirit world. Copper has the power to amplify thoughts when sending and receiving psychic communications. I didn’t know this when I chose this stone, so once again the perfection of listening without question, without analysing the purpose of the copper stone fits perfectly with the concept of holding the immaculate concept and being the link between the healing for all concerned including Egypt and Libya where we placed our focus other than specific people. If you are reading this you too are connected to the Temple of Truth. My intention was that all those who believe and those who come by this information are already included.

Here are your directions to the Temple of Truth! 

May the Truth Be With you and through you
Thank you for following and the story of this journey is to be continued.

If you would like to travel with me on one of my seeking the Sacred Sites of the Etheric Temples of the Masters, please subscribes to my blog at the top left of this page to know when I'm heading off again of one of my Sacred mystery jaunts!


  1. Fascinating read! Sounds like you had a divinely guided journey to truth! Interesting back in 1989 I was backpacking around Europe with a friend and we had planned to travel to both Egypt and Crete. Things changed and we never made it to Egypt and even though we did travel to Greece, we never reached Crete! I can feel Crete calling so who knows. It never ceases to amaze me how things work out and we go to places when we are meant to.

    1. Each now moment presents a clue to the next, I also feel the call back to Crete too!

  2. This morning has been so magical. This morning my meditation was the activation of expansion, towards the end of the medition a copper colour appeared the symbol shape of ancient cup no handle little holes surrounding spinning out of control.then finishing meditation I came across ascended masters icon on my phone and started reading your amazing journey. I am so blessed to haven this journey. Thank you.💟


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