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Showing posts from August, 2015

All Set for the Temple of Truth

A Journey of Truth - Part Two Arrival into Crete  on 11.5.2012=30/3 We see again the 11 showing us that we are being guided by Spirit and the 30/3 represents the Holy Spirit. The 3 vibration is also that of my Soul and I have noticed that on these days I tend to do something extra special. Extra special today was entering into Crete; the very land beneath the Temple of Truth. My path is in service to you so I remind you here that what I share with you is for your healing as well as mine. Together we are one and what I do you do too and the healing I have myself achieved I know is also shared by you as you read this and that is my intention to share the Light codes that have come to me in order to share them with you. I am always very aware of the presence travelling alongside me of those who follow my work, but this journey more so than others I was ever aware of their presence. This gave me more incentive and more determination to make the most of every moment so I did not...

A Sacred Journey of Truth

A Journey of Truth Part One In May of 2012 at 5 year I began a Sacred Journey of Truth.  To begin I took a group of dedicated meditators to Bali for WESAK to cover the date of the WESAK full moon on the 5th day of the 5th month of a 5 year (2+0+1+2=5).  Of course this was also the auspicious year 2012 and so I wanted to offer something different this year.  Normally I would take a group to Egypt, to the Ascension Temple of Luxor (superimposed in the etheric above the physical temple of Luxor), but this year I was not being called to Egypt and so we gathered in Bali for a five day meditation retreat to align with the energies of WESAK and then my journey of Truth would begin.   Following on from Bali I had mapped out a Sacred Journey of Healing and Divine Truth into Cyprus, Crete and Israel.  For the first part of this journey I would travel alone into Cyprus and then on to Crete where I would be met by one solo traveler who had felt drawn to take this...